Jun 14, 2010 COMMENTS 1
Interview 1: Pat – Boston, MA
I’ve walked by this store on Boylston street hundreds of times, and there is always an elderly woman peering out from behind the store front.
The front of the store is all glass, and the display case is filled with “collectible junk.” I couldn’t help but think every time I walked by, “how does this store survive, and what is that woman’s story?” I had no idea just how interesting the woman in the junk shop would turn out to be.
I decided early on to make the store an extension of the main character, Pat, as she is very much a part of the store and the store a part of her. I utilized an establishing shot from across the street to convey voyeuristic sense of peering in to this “familiar stranger’s” life. I wanted to create a sense of place, differentiated by sound and perspective, that marked the outside from the inside of the store. Read the rest of this entry »